Launch Your Podcast Successfully in 2024

Master Every Aspect of Podcasting, From Launch to Monetization, and Build a Loyal Audience

Tried launching your podcast alone and failed?

Lack of guidance and accountability could be the reason. 

Work Directly with Doug Cunnington and small group of motivated people.

Enrollment opens July 8, 2024.

Expert Guidance

The bootcamp provides expert guidance to navigate the world of podcasting with consistency in mind.

Practical Skills

I focus on imparting practical skills that you can apply immediately. I keep sustainability in mind so you don't burn out.

Community Support

Join a community of like-minded individuals for support, accountability, collaboration, and networking.

One-on-One Coaching

You can work directly with me to get my feedback and answer your specific questions. You'll be able to cut through the noise to get your answers.

Technical Skills

Editing, software, and technology can be confusing and a general pain in the butt! So I'll guide you to use my sustainable and minimal approach.

YouTube & Video

Audio is the main focus, but video content is important, though not essential. If you want to do video to help spread your message, then you'll learn the basics.

Imagine Hosting Your Own Successful Podcast

Signing up for my Podcasting Bootcamp will provide you with the skills and knowledge to turn this dream into reality.

I've been able to record with some of best podcasters in my industry.

And I started from nothing — zero broadcasting and speaking skills.

It's opened doors for me that I thought I had no business even knocking on!

(That's Paula Pant from Afford Anything and the Netflix Doc, Get Smart with Money. And J.D. Roth, creator of Get Rich Slowly, one of the original financial blogs.)

Mark Trautman

Mark’s Money Mind Podcast

“I had been contemplating starting a podcast for a while, however, I didn’t know where to start and was overwhelmed.

Doug’s Podcast Bootcamp was the perfect solution for me!

He was able to jumpstart my podcast desires and set me on the right path with his vast knowledge of podcasting and the tools necessary to be successful. I was able to launch my podcast by week seven of the course.

Thanks, Doug, for making this so easy to accomplish and get me up and running smoothly!”

(Mark knocked it out of the park! Check out all the reviews on Apple Podcasts, and of course, download the show.)

I've been able to record with some of the best!

I chatted with Chris Hutchins from All the Hacks.

And I chatted with Pete Adeney, aka Mr. Money Mustache.

I'm Doug Cunnington. And I love podcasting!

I learned about working online, SEO, and affiliate marketing from podcasts. Before that, I learned how to brew beer from podcasts.

Eventually, I was crazy enough to try to start my own show.

To my surprise, people listened! 🎧 

I've started three different podcasts, and they haven't always gone smoothly.

Along the way...

I learned a few things that worked.

I learned more than a few things that didn't work!

So, I want to share what I've learned and provide accountability.

This bootcamp/accelerator aims to help you get started with your show.

 Short Resume

  • I have two shows currently, each with over 1+ million downloads each.
  • I run my personal YouTube channel with about 130K subscribers and 2k videos. 
  • I have my podcast, Affiliate Marketing & Side Hustles on the Doug.Show, hosted on my YouTube channel.
  • My other show is Mile High FI, about personal finance and financial independence. It has about 8k subscribers.
  • I've recorded about 800 episodes across my shows.
  • I launched a new show with the last accelerator mastermind group called Ranking Revolution. It's in the competitive space of SEO and Marketing.
  • I've avoided burn out and have a blast producing podcasts and YouTube on my own terms.

Enrollment is open July 8 - 12.

The next accelerator starts July 15, 2024.

What's in the Bootcamp?

Full Disclosure: The topics are subject to shift based on what you need. So, I'll adjust as needed. 

Here are a few other high-level details, and the fine print details are below.

• Starting July 15, 2024. The full schedule is below.

• Workshop / Live Teaching Sessions for 8 sessions.

• Weekly Mastermind Group Meetings for 8 sessions. (optional)

• Four x 1 hour coaching sessions with me. (optional)


• Content creation with sustainability in mind. i.e. Don’t burn out & quit.

• You’ll get accountability with me, but you’ll also have a group of badasses to keep you motivated.

• You’ll also have a strong connection with the other people in the cohort who are all experts in their own areas.

• There will be a community hosted on Kajabi, a course platform, so you don’t have to worry about getting distracted in a Facebook group.

No social media! I don't like it so much and believe it leads to burnout and feeling overwhelmed. But if you like it, then go for it. This accelerator will be helpful and effective without social media.

** Even if you can’t start on July 15th, you can still come along for the ride. You might miss some of the live meetings, but they will be recorded. So if you’re thinking about launching a show in 2024, you should consider the bootcamp.

** There will be a very limited number of spots since there’s so much interaction.


I helped Olga launch her show, and she's been able to grow her business, speak at conferences, and get new clients.

🎤  You can see her podcast here.


What Will You Learn?

Week 1: Introduction to Podcasting and Launching a Podcast

  • Overview of podcasting & the workshop material so you know what's coming up each week.
  • Steps to launch a podcast so you know what to do next.
  • Why you should publish a trailer episode early, before you think you're ready.
  • Setting goals with realistic expectations.
  • Designing appealing cover art that represents your theme and brand with the technical details you need to know.
  • July 15, 9:30 am MT

Week 2: Basics of Recording - Audio and Video

  • Introduction to audio recording so your show will have crystal clear audio.
  • Recording remotely for interviews.
  • Basics of video recording (if applicable) so you can publish on YouTube.
  • Why audio is so important, even more than video.
  • Simple equipment and setup, so you have what you need and nothing more.
  • July 22, 9:30 am MT

Week 3 Show Formats and Engagement

  • Overview of show formats so you'll have a variety of options.
  • Templates for formats so you hit your marks and provide the most value for your audience.
  • How to create your own templates — with or without AI tools.
  • Content calendar in Trello so you can see your whole schedule at a glance and never miss a publishing date.
  • Bonus Template for your guests so you have all the info you need from them, including topic ideas, a bio for the introduction, social links, and more.
  • July 29, 9:30 am MT

Week 4: Posting an episode in WP + Show Notes

  • How to actually schedule an episode, using Castos + WP Plugin.
  • Master Audio, so the levels are correct, and the episodes sound like an audio engineer produced the show.
  • Producing Show Notes fast so you don't spend too much time on it, but still provide what your audience needs.
  • August 5, 9:30 am MT

Week 5: YouTube Setup

  • Why Post Your Podcast on YouTube & Why NOT to Post on YouTube
  • How to set up a podcast on YouTube so you'll have more discoverability
  • Channel Page setup, and how you can use Canva for the Channel Banner.
  • August 12, 9:30 am MT

Week 6: Marketing and Growing Your Show

  • Strategies for marketing your podcast and getting more listeners each week.
  • Why being a guest is the best way to grow.
  • How to pitch other shows to be a guest.
  • How to be a great guest on shows.
  • How to leverage other audiences to grow your show (in a non-Self-Promotional Way)
  • August 26, 9:30 am MT

Week 7: Advertising and Monetization

  • Understanding HOW you can earn money from your podcast, including donations, ads, affiliate promotion, and your own products.
  • Exploring advertising options that work best for your show, including ad networks and direct deals.
  • Why having an email list will give you more options and build a stronger connection with your audience.
  • September 9, 9:30 am MT

Week 8: Random Topics

  • Working from the Road? The ideal mobile setup.
  • How to do interviews from the road, including live recordings.
  • Branding vs Personal Branding with your podcast.
  • How to create native YouTube content that still works for the audio-only listeners from your audience.
  • September 16, 9:30 am MT

Accountability and Community Support 

Weekly check-ins, group motivation, and expert insights.

Kajabi Community Platform 

Utilizing Kajabi for community engagement without social media distractions.

Focus on Well-being 

Don't Burn Out! Emphasizing the importance of balance and well-being in content creation. Burn out is the number one problem that can lead your podcast to ending prematurely. 

**An entire course about podcasting is likely to be created. You'll receive access to that course when it's completed, plus all future updates. I don't have a date, but it should be Q4 2024.


Mastermind Group Meetings


What is a mastermind group?

A mastermind group is a gathering of like-minded individuals who meet regularly to support and help each other achieve their goals. Members share their challenges, brainstorm solutions, and offer mutual encouragement and accountability. This collaborative effort leads to collective growth and success.

What happens in a meeting?

In a mastermind meeting, members typically:

  • Share Updates: Discuss progress on goals and projects.
  • Brainstorm Solutions: Address challenges and brainstorm potential solutions.
  • Receive Feedback: Get constructive feedback and new perspectives.
  • Set Goals: Establish actionable goals for the next meeting.
  • Network and Support: Build valuable connections and offer mutual support.

Who leads the meeting?

Meetings are usually led by a facilitator, which is me. The facilitator ensures the discussion stays on track, encourages participation, and helps guide the brainstorming process. The facilitator also provides expert insights and resources to support the group’s progress. I also have a Project Management (PMP) Certification from my old day job, so I know how to run a meeting and keep it on track.

What will I get out of a mastermind meeting?

I can't emphasize the power of mastermind groups enough. I joined one within weeks of starting my side hustles in 2013. It helped me accelerate my progress and I made strong long lasting connections. You probably heard lots of other people talk about them.

From a mastermind meeting, you will gain:

  • Clarity: Refined goals and clear action steps.
  • Accountability: Motivation to stay on track and achieve your objectives.
  • Support: Constructive feedback and encouragement from peers.
  • Networking: Connections with like-minded individuals.
  • New Perspectives: Diverse viewpoints to tackle challenges creatively.
  • Growth: Personal and professional development through shared learning.


One-on-One Coaching


What do we do in one-on-one meetings?

In our one-on-one meetings, we’ll discuss your podcasting goals, address any challenges you’re facing, brainstorm solutions, and develop actionable strategies to help you succeed.

Each session is tailored to your specific needs and objectives. We can just talk about business or anything you want.

What if I need more meetings?

If you feel you need additional support, you can schedule more meetings as needed. You'll get a 20% discount on my normal consulting rate, which is currently $447 per hour.

Will you critique my show?

Yes, I will provide constructive feedback on your podcast episodes, including content, delivery, audio quality, and overall presentation.

This feedback will help you improve and refine your show. I'll be kind and constructive, yet direct.

How often are the one-on-one meetings scheduled?

It's totally up to you. We can meet multiple times per week if you need help right away. When I helped a recent student launch a show in about ten days, we met 3 to 4 times within a week, including over the weekend. I usually don't meet over the weekend, but you get the idea. You have one year to meet for the one-on-ones. If you go beyond one year, it's up to my discretion and schedule.

What if I have specific topics or challenges I want to focus on?

Our coaching sessions are highly personalized. You can bring up any specific topics or challenges you want to address, and we will tailor our discussions to focus on those areas.


Can I get help with technical issues during these sessions?

Absolutely. Whether you’re having trouble with recording equipment, editing software, or hosting platforms, I can help troubleshoot and resolve technical issues during our sessions.

Will you help me develop a long-term strategy for my podcast?

Yes, we’ll work on creating a comprehensive, long-term strategy that includes content planning, marketing, audience growth, and monetization to ensure sustained success for your podcast.

What kind of support can I expect between meetings?

Between meetings, you’ll have access to email support where you can ask questions, share updates, and get feedback on your progress. Plus, you have the community feed to share your updates, progress, and get feedback. 


Jason Paul Hendricks

🎧 Digital Downshift Podcast

"I had wanted a podcast for a long time but had lots of questions. The bigger blocker was not having a group of people that would help keep me focused and accountable.

Doug's Podcast Accelerator was the perfect balance of actionable instruction (drawn on all Doug's experience), group feedback, and personalized support when I needed it.

I thought the pacing and duration were spot on; with achievable goals that pushed us all just hard enough.

If you have always wanted a podcast but don't know where to start (or feel like you are just missing a few pieces) then this is for you."

Enrollment Ends on









Yes! I want to Launch My Podcast.

Enrollment is open until Friday, July 12, 2024.


12 Monthly Payments of $197

Only $6.47 per day.

The premium program is for those who want it all — core knowledge and skills, mastermind group meetings, plus 1-on-1 coaching with Doug.

I've coached dozens of students and clients, leading them to success and driving them to work on the exact things that move the needle.

You will get:

  • 8 LIVE Workshops from July 15 - September 16. ($497 value)
  • Over-the-shoulder tutorials for editing and producing episodes without wasting time. ($97 value)
  • 8 Mastermind Group Meetings facilitated by me, personally. ($997 value)
  • 4 x one hour One-on-One sessions with me. ($1,788 value)

Plus, you also get:

  • Access to the Community & Feed for networking and accountability. ($97 value)
  • Content Calendar Template for planning and hitting your publishing goals.
  • Templates for producing shows in different formats ($47 value)


Pay in full and save $367.

5 Spots Remaining

Secure Checkout via Credit Card with Stripe or PayPal.

Enroll Now


12 Monthly Payments of $97

Only $3.19 per day.

The advanced program is for those who want the core knowledge and want to go a step further with accountability with the Mastermind Group. 

Same as Premium but without 1-on-1 coaching. 

You will get:

  • 8 LIVE Workshops from July 15 - September 16. ($497 value)
  • Over-the-shoulder tutorials for editing and producing episodes without wasting time. ($97 value)
  • 8 Mastermind Group Meetings facilitated by me, personally. ($997 value)
  • 4 x one hour One-on-One sessions with me. ($1,788 value)

Plus, you also get:

  • Access to the Community & Feed for networking and accountability. ($97 value)
  • Content Calendar Template for planning and hitting your publishing goals.
  • Templates for producing shows in different formats ($47 value)

Pay in full and save $167

5 Spots Remaining

Secure Checkout via Credit Card with Stripe or PayPal.

Enroll Now


12 Monthly Payments of $47

Only $1.55 per day.

The Workshop program is the Standard Level for those who want the core knowledge and skills to start, grow, and monetize their podcast.

You will get:

  • 8 LIVE Workshops from July 15 - September 16. ($497 value)
  • Over-the-shoulder tutorials for editing and producing episodes without wasting time. ($97 value)
  • 8 Mastermind Group Meetings facilitated by me, personally. ($997 value)
  • 4 x one hour One-on-One sessions with me. ($1,788 value)

Plus, you also get:

  • Access to the Community & Feed for networking and accountability. ($97 value)
  • Content Calendar Template for planning and hitting your publishing goals.
  • Templates for producing shows in different formats ($47 value)

Pay in full and save $67

No mastermind group or one-on-one coaching in the workshop level.

 Secure Checkout via Credit Card with Stripe or PayPal.

Enroll Now


1-on-1 Coaching

Just $197 per month for 12 months.

5 Spots Left

  • 8 LIVE Workshops. ($497 value)
  • Over-the-shoulder tutorials. ($97 value)
  • 8 Mastermind Group Meetings. ($997 value)
  • 4 x 1-hour One-on-One sessions with me. ($1,788 value)
  • Access to the Community & Feed. ($97 value)

Pay in Full and save $367


Enroll Now


Most Popular

Just $97 per month for 12 months.

5 Spots Left

  • 8 LIVE Workshops. ($497 value)
  • Over-the-shoulder tutorials. ($97 value)
  • 8 Mastermind Group Meetings. ($997 value)
  • 4 x 1-hour One-on-One sessions with me. ($1,788 value)
  • Access to the Community & Feed. ($97 value)

Pay in Full and save $167

Enroll Now

Workshops Only


Just $47 per month for 12 months.

  • 8 LIVE Workshops. ($497 value)
  • Over-the-shoulder tutorials. ($97 value)
  • 8 Mastermind Group Meetings. ($997 value)
  • 4 x 1-hour One-on-One sessions with me. ($1,788 value)
  • Access to the Community & Feed. ($97 value)

Pay in Full and save $67

Enroll Now

The doors close at

5 spots left









Get started on your Podcast & Enroll Today 

After you click one of the button below, you'll head to the checkout page where you can pay.

I'm still building out the course section and the community area. But I'll be working on it in the coming weeks.

So, it's going to look sparse in the next week or so — please don't be shocked! 

Join Now