Want To Earn More From Your Website?

Learn Proven Ways to Boost Rankings, Get More Traffic, and Earn More Each Month.

Have you ever thought:

  • I’ve reached a plateau. My site is earning and getting traffic every day, but it’s not growing. I’m earning $100 or $1,000 or even $3,000+ per month but I’m stuck.
  • I just bought a site — Now, it’s time to grow the site.
  • I have some traffic and make a few sales, but I need to earn more or this is just a hobby.

Most people want to earn more from their sites.

It’s 100% — everyone does.

It takes time and effort. And you know that already.

I bet you’re willing to put in the time, effort, and capital if you thought it would actually work.

The problem is that you don’t know what to work on, and there are endless things to add, improve, or change on your site.

Unless you just bought your site, you probably tried a few things already. Or you’ve tried to do more of what has worked for you in the past, but it’s not getting the same results.

Too Many Options

You’re bombarded with case studies and marketing from blogs, YouTube, podcasts, and Facebook Groups.

Some people tell you that if you use a theme you’ll automatically start getting more traffic.

Other people tell you that a certain plugin will magically boost your conversions by some insane percentage.

And some SEO agencies will swear that they can rank you #1 in Google within a few months — essentially lying to your face.

It’s hard to figure out what to do to actually get the results you’re looking for. I’m sure you’re not looking for the short cut — if there was a short cut, then everyone would take it.

So what can you do?

There are a few key thumbscrews that you can turn that work.

It’s not overnight or easy.

You’ll have to analyze data and think about it.

You might have to spend hours and days reviewing content.

You get the idea — it’s work. Of course, if you want results — amazing results — you’ll need to do work that other people aren’t willing to do.


What kind of results are possible?



I want to share some recent examples.


Double the Traffic Year over Year

I bought a small niche site in January 2020 that was getting about 2,000 visitors per month on average for a few years.

It’s getting about 4,000 visitors per month in 2021. 

And you can see the growth in the summer and early fall of 2021.

19% Growth in 2021


You can see the 2021 traffic versus the 2019 traffic for the same months.

90% Growth - 2021 vs 2019


The site had 25 posts when I bought it. I added 8 new posts so there are 33 total posts at this time.

So I didn’t do anything massive like publish hundreds of posts.

I doubled the traffic by doing a few simple things.

517,883 More Visitors

434% Increase in Page Views in 2 years


Over the last 6 months, Christy has been making over $6,330 per month  on average from affiliate sales and display ads. During the fall of 2020, she asked me where to focus to get more traffic and earn more.

I helped her pull reports from the Google Search Console and review data from Google Analytics.

We determined about 35 pieces of content that should be improved. That was out of almost 200 articles on her site. Since then, she's added more content.

She's improved and refined even more of the content. Plus she is plugging away and networking to help build links.

Here is the growth from 2019 to 2021.


50% Growth in the Summer and Early Fall of 2021


242% Increase in Traffic

In April 2019, I updated content on 10 posts on one of my sites. I knew they were posts targeting keywords with great potential. I thought the competition was garbage, but I decide to go deeper.

I discovered that while my content was good, I wasn’t doing a great job with onsite SEO. Basically, I need to tweak the content in a minor way.

It didn’t take long. Traffic was up by almost 35% in just a few months.


And the rankings and traffic really popped after COVID-19 — So the improvements have been long-lasting.



Of course, you can’t plan for a global pandemic, but if you do the work ahead of time, you can be there when circumstances change.

A Magic Formula??

There’s no magic formula to get more traffic and earn more.

It usually amounts to one or all of the following:

  1. Improve existing content
  2. Add more content
  3. Get more backlinks

Sadly, it’s boring. And simple.

There is a framework that works. You can execute on one site, then do it again and again to your other sites.

You can use the system to increase earnings for a site you just bought, then sell it later for a profit.

The key is to use the system so you can figure out where you need to do the work.

I’m Doug Cunnington — a Project Management Professional (PMP) — and I worked as a management consultant helping companies implement big projects. Then, I got laid off in 2015 and decided to scale up my affiliate site business.

So now I work for myself and have felt the exact same confusion and overwhelm that you have.

I've grown my own sites and helped dozens of other people earn more, rank higher, and get more traffic.

These aren't one off case studies or flukes.

Introducing Site Growth Plan

A proven framework to grow your site.

You’ll be able to assess your current site and what’s missing.

Then you’ll be able to prioritize what you need to do so you can do the work that will give you the best ROI for your goals.

Unit 1: You’re Stuck. Now What?

All sites will hit a point where the growth stalls. You hit a plateau.

So what do you do? The challenge of working for yourself is that you make the decisions.

  • How to conduct a gap analysis so you know what to do.
  • Why the future state is essential to identify.
  • Why it’s so important to prioritize your tasks.

Unit 2: What To Do With Content

You know you should improve and add more content, but how should you approach it?

  • How to determine if you should publish a massive amount of new content (or improve existing content).
  • Why you adding more content in a specific area can lead to substantial income increases.
  • How to use free data from the Google Search Console to determine what content to improve (and how to do it).
  • Three ways to improve content (and they are all easy to outsource).

Unit 3: Conversion Rate Improvements

You don’t need to do conversion rate optimization — you just need to get things mostly right, most of the time. The truth is CRO takes a ton of traffic, data, and it’s expensive to do right.

You’ll learn:

  • The most common mistake that kills conversions (most beginners do it).
  • The counterintuitive table approach to actually help conversions.
  • My favorite Calls-To-Action (CTAs) that don’t use buttons, but convert like crazy.

Unit 4: Get More Links

Getting links is an area that so many people neglect. It’s easy to keep publishing more content since you tend to see results.

Plus, historically publishing more is a good move. In the past, you published content and got traffic to your site.

Often, your site will gain links naturally. But you have little control over where the links are pointing.

  • What to do if you’ve never done any link building.
  • How to promote and network in a non sleazy way.
  • How to get the attention of other bloggers and influencers.
  • How to land guest posts without having to pay for “admin fees.”
  • How to write guest posts that bloggers love to publish for you.

1-on-1 Coaching with Doug

You can get a 60 minute coaching session with Doug.

You can work with Doug directly so you can get specific help with your questions. His hourly rate is normally $447. 

During the launch week, you’ll be able to get a massive discount on 1 on 1 coaching.

The course is mostly video content including some over-the-shoulder videos. There are a few lessons that are text based when that’s the best format for the content.

All the content is available immediately (it is not dripped out each week like some larger courses).

You could go through all the material in a weekend and start implementing.


Enrollment is open for

Site Growth Plan Until

So don't miss out. Get ready for the retail season.

Site Growth Plan Standard


Regular Price $397

  • Prioritizing Your Work
  • Improving Content
  • Adding Content
  • Improving Conversions
  • Getting BacklinksĀ 

Coupon Code:Ā AUG2023-100

Get Access

Site Growth Plan Premium


Regular Price: $647

  • 60 minute 1-on-1 CoachingĀ 
  • Prioritizing Your Work
  • Improving Content
  • Adding Content
  • Improving Conversions
  • Getting BacklinksĀ 

Coupon Code:Ā AUG2023-100

Get Access

Save by Bundling

Get Site Growth Plan and HARO Linkbuilding and Save $200

Get the Bundle!

Payment Options

Interested in a payment plan?

You can get the standard course over 4 monthly payments. No discounts are available with the payment plan.

Learn more.

Money Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If you decide Site Growth Plan is not for you over the next 30 days, just let me know and I’ll send you a prompt refund.

If you don’t benefit from the training material, email me before the 31st day, show me you did the worksheets, and I’ll happily refund your full payment.

“I stand by the Site Growth Plan and believe it will work for you. If not, then it’s no problem – Customer Service and Satisfaction is my #1 priority.”

Douglas Cunnington

Who Is This Course For?

  • If you have a site that has plateaued in earnings or traffic and you don’t know what to do.
  • If you just bought a site and know the basics, but need help figuring out what to work on first.
  • If you have a site and you want to increase the income.
  • If you’re willing to put in the time and work to get results.

Who Is This Course NOT For?

  • If you have a brand new site, under about 1 month old. (You probably need to publish more content and keep growing the site.)
  • If you’re a student of Multi Profit Site, my flagship course. If so, you have a lot of this material inside the course.
  • If you’re just getting started and don’t have a site yet.
  • If you’re looking for an overnight solution to your stagnant site. The strategies are simple and sometimes free to execute, but most of the time, you won’t see overnight results.

If you feel stuck with your site, it's time to take action.

There's no mystery about how to earn more, rank better, and get more traffic. But you need the blueprint of a repeatable process to figure out what to work on next.

So now it’s time to use a proven framework to find gaps in your site, prioritize your activities, then get the results that you deserve.


Enrollment is open until